
The processes of putting together this digital was a very valuable learning experience. I've learned how to collect reusable data from other sources, how to use Omeka, design layouts for items and create pages. The challenge was to understand how do I imagine the final version of the exhibit. At the beginning, I put many items which I end up not using. I started figuring out many aspects of how the exhibit should look as I was making it and I think it is a usual thing in the world of Digital Humanities

As most of my items were the photographs of dresses and costumes, some of the Omeka layouts like 'Gallery' were not working well with the images. 'Gallery' does not let to display the full-size picture, just a thumbnail which is square size, therefore, it often cuts the most important parts of the photo. I preferred using 'File with Text' layout because it provided more space for meta description of the items. 

This course has definitely given me a lot of knowledge in Digital Humanities and practical skills in design and technology. Not only that but now whenever I visit an exhibit in a museum, I think about the design choices of the curator, what kind of the story they tell, and how that exhibit would look in the digital space. 
